Step 1: Add a new workout event

At the top right -hand side of your screen, click on the (1) Library and you will be directed to your workout library. 

Click on the sports type (2) (Running, Cycling, Swimming, Performance tests) you want to create this workout for; and then click on (3) Add. [Fig. 1]

Fig. 1

Step 2: Set up the workout

The workout builder will be opened and you’ll need to click on the Custom(+) button. [Fig. 2]


Fig. 2

Set up the workout details the way that best fits your training goals; and don’t forget to Rename* it (top left-hand side) as you see fit. [Fig. 3]

Fig. 3


Make sure you use unique names for pre-built workouts of the same sports type. You’ll get a warning message in case you’ve already used a specific name, but it would be better for you to have this guideline in mind and choose names that make it easier for you and your athletes to understand. 

Step 3: Save the workout

Click on the “Save to Library” button.

You may also be interested in the following: 

  1. Creating and saving a workout directly in your library (you are reading this)
  2. Creating and saving a workout in the library, while working on a training plan
  3. Saving an existing workout from an athlete’s calendar to your library
  4. Modifying and saving an existing workout from an athlete’s calendar to your library
  5. Using a saved workout from the library on an athlete’s calendar
  6. Editing a workout in the library
  7. Deleting a custom workout from the library