You can save the workouts that you build as presets, directly in your library, for future use. This will help improve efficiency, since you can apply your preset workouts to any training plan, for any athlete, very easily. ScienceTraining will automatically update the workout in your athlete’s specific zones. 


Adding preset workouts to your athletes’ Calendar

To add add preset workouts from your Library to your athletes’ Calendars follow the steps below:

Step 1: Select an athlete 

Once you login to your account click on the “MY ATHLETES” button so you can access your athletes list and then click on the athlete’s name.

Alternatively, if you have been navigating to another athlete’s calendar within the app simply use the drop-down list next to your MY ATHLETES button as a search tool to find the athlete and click on their name.


Step 2: Go to the athlete’s calendar 

Click on the Calendar icon

Step 3: Click on the “Library icon” 

Click on the “Library” icon (framed star), at the left side of your athlete’s calendar 

Step 4: Set up the workout where you need it 

  1. Select the sport you need to add the specific preset workout (e.g. running)


  1. Find the workout type you need to add on your athlete’s calendar (e.g. Easy/Recovery Run 30 min etc.)


  1. Drag n’ drop that workout on the preferred date


Then make sure you’ve placed the workout on the correct day and then click on it to add comments or “View details” and make any edits needed. 

Once you’re done make sure you click on “Update workout” and you’re done!

  1. Alternatively if you don’t wish to drag n’ drop a workout, you may click on the preset workout on the library list and then check the workout details on the pop-up window. 
    There you can make any adjustments needed on the workout parameters and the date as well.
    When you’re done just click on “Save Workout” and it will be added it on your athlete’s calendar.

NOTE: ScienceTraining automatically updates the workout in your athlete's zones. When you're done just press “Save Workout”.


Adding custom preset workouts on your Library

If you’re in the process of building a training plan and just realized you were missing a custom workout you can create and save them in your library as described here

Alternatively, you can add or create workouts even faster, through the Library section, available on the main navigation bar. Just click on the “Library” button and then click on “Add”

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