The “Analyze” screen enables you to readily analyze important training parameters and evaluate your options for the next course of action, based on athletes’ condition, performance, commitment, and more. It quickly gives you the next steps in planning or readjusting your training programs. Here’s how you can use it.

Analyze an athlete’s workout

Step 1: Select your athlete

Click on “My Athletes” and use the dropdown menu to find the athlete whose completed workouts you wish to work on. 

ΝΟΤΕ: You can also get here from your dashboard, or you can be redirected from a notification

Step 2: View the athlete’s calendar

Navigate inside your athlete’s calendar, find the completed workout you wish to further examine using the analyze functionality and click on it. 

Step 3: Use the “analyze” function, on the workout you need

On the popup window click on the analyze button at the bottom right corner (graph symbol)

Once you do so you'll be transferred to the analyze screen where you’ll find all the details of your athlete’s workout. More specifically, you get access to the following:


  1. Activity summary

  2. Interactive map with you athlete’s tracked route

  3. Comments section to communicate with your athlete


  1. Interactive graphs of speed and elevation data

  • You may hover your mouse over the graphs and see details such as distance covered, speed etc.

  • You may click on a spot on the graph and drag your mouse to the left (or right) to select an area you want to inspect. 

Once you do so you’ll see details of that graph area– representing specific activity instance– in comparison to the overall activity. This information is available in the summary table on the right side of your screen. 

To repeat this action click on “Reset Zoom”.
You may perform the above action for both the Speed and Heartrate graphs simply by clicking on the arrows switch between them and selecting the right graph .


  • Finally, you may use the “View steps” to further inspect the detailed steps of the activity. Note that this option is available only for the activities you have prepared for your athletes using ScienceTraining.   

  1. Fully-detailed matrix containing info for all laps of the tracked race such as strides, calories, temperature, running cadence etc.

Athletes may add feedback on the “Analyze screen” of their activity

The completed workout will be (as expected) also visible from your athlete’s account. They may follow the same steps above and navigate to the ‘Analyze screen’ 

  1. Find the completed workout on their calendar

The workout may be tracked directly from their activity device they have connected to ScienceTraining or they may have manually uploaded it.

  1. Click on the workout and navigate tο the “Analyze screen”


There they’ll be able to perform the following actions:

  1. Fill in RPE

  2. Describe in short feelings (feeling & emoji) 

  3. Add comments